When you have proper structure, you have proper function.
I became a Doctor of Chiropractic care to help you obtain your optimal health through non-invasive and effective healthcare methods. Learn more about me.
I offer my Chiropractic services to both humans and animals in the Meaford and Owen Sound area.
Services Offered

Human Chiropractic Services
I practice out of the Fascinato clinic in Owen Sound and Meaford.
I am certified in the Webster Protocol: developed to restore the normal physiological functioning of a mother, and improve her comfort throughout pregnancy, in preparation for a safer and easier birth (learn more here). The Webster Protocol is used to naturally turn breeched babies before birth;

Animal Chiropractic Services
Animal chiropractic care is specific to each animal, and the space in which I see them depends on the ability of the owner to transport the animal. Dogs and cats are much easier to transport than horses, and so I accommodate each patient’s needs.
I am certified in Animal Chiropractic Care by the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association to perform chiropractic care on animals (big and small).

Home Visits*
Depending on the needs and assessment, I can visit clients in their home. However, it is always best to come into the office when possible: take a look at my location and office hours page for more info.
Home visits can be especially important with animals like horses, where I will come to your location.
*Travel fees will apply.

Fees (subject to change)
Initial: $80.0
Report of Findings: $35
Follow-up/Treatment visits: $40 for adults
Follow-up/Treatment visits: $40 for seniors and children.
Acupuncture visits are $40 (person needs to be a chiropractic patient first).
Animal chiropractic visits: please give me a call.
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